Le Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group lance son introduction en bourse sur le marché STAR de l’ESS, donnant ainsi un nouvel élan au secteur mondial de l’énergie éolienne

SHANGHAI, 31 mai 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Une cérémonie s’est tenue au Shanghai Securities Exchange Building le 19 mai 2021 pour marquer l’offre publique initiale (OPI) de Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group Co., Ltd. (« Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group ») (688660), une filiale de Shanghai…

Kailo Medical Integrates with Medo AI to Standardize Thyroid Ultrasound Practices

CALGARY, AB, May 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ – Kailo Medical, a healthcare technology company with products that streamline structured reporting in the hospital setting, today announces its integration with Medo, an Artificial Intelligence company dual-headquartered in Singapore and Edmonton….

Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group startet Börsengang auf dem SSE-STAR-Markt und bringt neuen Schwung in die weltweite Windenergiebranche

SHANGHAI, 31. Mai 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Am 19. Mai 2021 fand eine Zeremonie im Shanghai Securities Exchange Building statt, um den Börsengang (IPO) der Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group Co., Ltd. („Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group”) (688660), eine Tochtergesellschaft der Shanghai…

Les dernières données mondiales font état de près de 8 millions de décès dus au tabagisme en 2019, et 90 % des nouveaux fumeurs deviennent dépendants avant l’âge de 25 ans

Le nombre mondial de fumeurs continue d’augmenter, le tabagisme étant à l’origine de près de 8 millions de décès en 2019, dont un décès masculin sur cinq. 90 % des nouveaux fumeurs deviennent dépendants avant l’âge de 25 ans ; il est essentiel d’empêcher les adolescents de commencer à…

Let’s Talk Interactive and Soldier on Recognize Telehealth’s Impact on Veteran Mental Health

CHARLOTTE, N.C., May 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — At Memorial Day, Let’s Talk Interactive, Inc., (LTI) a leader in customizable telehealth solutions, and Soldier On, a nonprofit organization committed to ending veteran homelessness, are celebrating the impact their telehealth program has had…

Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group lança IPO no mercado STAR da SSE (Shanghai Securities Exchange), injetando novo estímulo no setor mundial de energia eólica

XANGAI, 31 de maio de 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Uma cerimônia foi realizada no Shanghai Securities Exchange Building em 19 de maio de 2021, para registrar a oferta pública inicial (IPO) da Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group”) (688660), uma…

Dados globais mais recentes indicam cerca de 8 milhões de mortes por tabagismo em 2019, e 90% dos novos fumantes ficam viciados aos 25 anos

O número global de fumantes continua a aumentar, com o tabagismo causando quase 8 milhões de mortes em 2019, sendo a causa de uma em cada cinco mortes de homens. 90% dos novos fumantes se tornam viciados na idade de 25 anos – é crucial impedir que os adolescentes comecem a fumar para…

Recientes cifras mundiales revelan casi ocho millones de muertes por tabaquismo en 2019, y el 90 % de los nuevos fumadores son adictos a los 25 años

La cifra mundial de fumadores sigue aumentando. El tabaquismo causó casi ocho millones de muertes en 2019, incluida una de cada cinco muertes de hombres. El 90 % de los nuevos fumadores son adictos a los 25 años de edad. Impedir que los adolescentes empiecen a fumar es crucial para…

Autonomous Vehicle Day: IDTechEx Discusses Autonomous Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) is 2-3 Years Away, For Real This Time

BOSTON, May 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — “Autonomous cars will be here in 2 years” has been a standard sentence from the industry for the past 5 years or so. Now there is good reason to expect autonomous ride-hailing services to hit our roads within 3 years. So, what has happened in the last…

Skupina Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group vstupuje na burzu SSE STAR a dává nový impuls světovému odvětví větrné energie

ŠANGHAJ, 31. května 2021 /PRNewswire/ — 19. května 2021 se v budově šanghajské burzy cenných papírů konal slavnostní ceremoniál u příležitosti prvotní veřejné nabídky akcií (IPO) společnosti Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group Co., Ltd. (dále jen “Shanghai Electric Wind Power Group”)…

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